The past few years have made great impact on the shipping industry. New, demanding shipowners have entered the market and the need for top-qualified crew is increasing.
Unfortunately, these changes have gone hand-in-hand with an increase in the number of scammers who try to take advantage of seafarers. These people promise seafarers that they can provide them with employment without actually making many efforts to do this properly, such as conducting proper interviews, testing, medical check ups, etc. Often they propose joining for the first time in superior rank, without ensuring a seafarer is ready for this next step.
Worryingly, these scammers ask for commission for their ‘service’ and the commission can vary depending significantly.
What is worse, scammers are posing as Danica staff! Recently we were informed of a case where one of our seafarers was contacted by a lady who told him she was calling from Danica and she used also the name of one of our employees as a reference. She proposed urgent joining with extra attractive conditions – and then tried to charge one month’s salary in commission! She also proposed to arrange fake medicals for the seafarer.
Luckily, this seafarer has known us for many years and knows that Danica never takes commissions, and that Danica insists on passing medical examination in approved centres only. So, he understood it was scam and contacted us. Later, a seafaring group on Facebook posted a story describing the same scheme. Sadly in that case the seafarer targeted sent money for medicals and was then blocked and has been unable to reach the ‘recruiter’ since!
We want to underline to you all that:
· o Danica NEVER asks for any commission
· o Danica NEVER proposes to arrange fake medicals
· o Danica NEVER fakes CVs
If any of you ever get same offer claiming to be from Danica, you can be sure it is a scam. If it happens, we ask you to inform our staff and our management will ensure the case is reported to police.